Our vision is to ensure that every pupil is given every opportunity to flourish, no matter what their starting point or what their interests are. This year, the option subjects that students can choose have been tailored to their pathway in order to give them the best opportunity to flourish and move on to their next steps post-16.
The pathways that students can follow are:
As students prepare to take the next important step in their education, they face many exciting challenges and choices. We will work very hard to help our students deal with these confidently, and to make their transition into Key Stage 4 as smooth as possible. Key Stage 4 will see our students prepare for their future learning and career paths, which brings both opportunities and responsibilities. We have high expectations of all of our students and know they can achieve their aspirations and flourish.
Please read the options booklet which suits your pathway carefully (you can ask your form tutor or learning manager if you are not sure). It provides information about all pathways and the courses available to you.
Options Booklet – Academic Pathway
Options Booklet – Creative Pathway
Options Booklet – Vocational Pathway
Remember, there are lots of people who can help you with your choices including:
Mrs Lane - Year 9 Learning Manager
Mr Overton - Options Programme Leader
Your subject teachers
The Year 9 Tutor Team
and of course, your parents.