It can be very confusing and overwhelming when thinking about your future career and where you see yourself at the end of Year 11, Year 13 and beyond. It is perfectly fine not to have all of the answers and your ideas will change. The links below are a good starting point to help you plan ahead in both the short and long term.
Year 10 and 11 students
When you leave Year 11, you will typically follow one of the following pathways:
- Sixth Form (A-Levels) – This is the traditional academic route for students and courses are offered in our Sixth Form. There is usually a requirement for at least 5 GCSEs at A*-C including English Language and Mathematics or Numeracy. There may be an opportunity to re-sit your English or Maths if you are close to this with your GCSE results.
- Sixth Form (LLS) – This is a 3 A Level equivalent vocational course offered at our Sixth Form by Little League Sports and is designed for students with an interest in sport, sports health and coaching.
- College (A-Levels) – There is usually a requirement for at least 5 GCSEs at A*-C including English Language and Mathematics or Numeracy. There may be an opportunity to re-sit your English or Maths in college if you are close to this with your GCSE results.
- College (Vocational Courses and BTECs) – Level 1 courses are offered for students who achieve at least 4 E grades at GCSE including English and Mathematics or Numeracy. Level 2 courses are offered for students who achieve at least 4 D grades at GCSE including English and Mathematics or Numeracy. It is sometimes a requirement to study a Level 1 course before studying level 2, for example Electrical Plumbing and Installation, Motor Vehicles and Hair and Beauty. If you fall short of these grades, you can usually follow entry level courses or speak to admissions to discuss your options further.
- Apprenticeships and employment-based training – There are a variety of apprenticeships you can apply for depending on your grades at GCSE and A Level. These are designed for you to learn on the job whilst earning a wage, and usually give you access to further education courses for part of your working week in order to develop your skills further.
- Employment – Some students decide to go straight in to employment post-16 and post-18.

You can find out much more information about your possible pathways using the links below: